Brief Introduction

The College of Forestry at Guizhou University was established in 2002, but its origins can be traced back to the Forestry Department of Guizhou Agricultural College, which was founded in 1958. Therefore, the College can claim a history of 66 years. The College is committed to the cultivation of innovative academic talents, with a particular emphasis on the application of fundamental theories and technical research. It specializes in training high-level professionals in forestry and ecological environment construction, emphasizing areas such as the management of forests in southern mountainous regions, the maintenance and stability of karst ecosystems, biodiversity conservation, forest pest control, soil & water conservation and desertification control, the development and utilization of garden plant resources, andlandscape architecture.

The College provides comprehensive academic programs at all levels, covering undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees. It offers four undergraduate programs, including Forestry, Landscape Architecture, Soil & Water Conservation and Desertification Control and Forest Conservation. It is noteworthy that the Forestry and Soil &Water Conservation programs have been designated as national first-class programs, while the Landscape Architecture program has been designated as a provincial first-class program. The College’s key academic strengths include a first-level postdoctoral mobile station in Forestry, two first-level doctoral programs in Forestry and Ecology, two first-level master’s programs in Forestry and Ecology, and two professional master’s programs in Forestry and Landscape Architecture. Furthermore, master’s and doctoral programs are available across all undergraduate majors in the College, ensuring comprehensive academic coverage.The College is distinguished by its excellence in two top-tier disciplines within China (Forestry and Ecology), one first level key discipline of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (Forestry), and two key disciplines in Guizhou Province (Forest Cultivation and Ecology), supported by a provincial talent base and multipleprovincial innovation teams. The College is equipped with modern facilities, including four teaching and research offices, one experimental center, and one on-campus teaching practice base. It also operates over 20 off-campus internship bases across the province, complemented by five university-level research centers and one provincial research center.

The College has a team of high-quality faculty with high educational qualifications and strong professional expertise. At present, there are 95 faculty members, including 22 professors and 20 associate professors, and 82.6% of them have Ph.D. degrees. Among them, there is one “National Outstanding Professional and Technical Talent”, one “National New Century Talent Project”candidate , one provincial core expert, four provincial experts, five talents from the “Provincial Top Ten High-level Talents” and “Provincial Top Hundred High-level Talents”, five outstanding young science and technology talents in Guizhou Province, one excellent teacher recognized by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, one national advanced worker, and four experts who enjoy the special government allowances from the State Council and the Guizhou Province. At present, the College has more than 820 undergraduate students and more than 550 postgraduate students. Over the past five years, the average employment rate for both undergraduate and graduate students have exceeded 95%. The faculty members have carried out over 50 national key R&D projects and National Natural Science Foundation projects, as well as over 160 provincial and ministerial projects, securing research funding totaling over 80 million RMB. Their achievements include two second prize national science and technology progress awards, five second prize and four third prizescience and technology progress awards of Ministry of Education and Guizhou Province, the approval of 3 superior varieties of Pinus massoniana, and the establishment of 11 national industry and local technical standards. They have also obtained over 30 national patents, published 13 scientific monographs and textbooks, and published over 600 scientific papers at home and abroad.